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Paton's Network-Centric Organization Model Activities Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of Ukraine

Boris Malitsky

     The experience of the organization of  B.E. Paton of the activities of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on the basis of an innovative model was new for the seventies of the last century, in which science interacted with production using special mechanisms. The organizational structure of the Academy created by Boris Evgenievich was based on the network-centric management technology, the novelty of which was determined by a complex set of principles for combining all elements of the innovation process, from the formulation of a scientific idea, its development and ending with the implementation of results in social practice. It is shown that the transition to the network-centric model of organizing the activities of the Academy B.E. Paton carried out with the assist of systemic complex reforms, which included the optimization of the structure of institutions, the technological equipment of the research process, the implementation of a policy of targeted fundamental research, advanced training of scientific personnel, the creation of effective mechanisms for interaction with industry and government, and attractive social conditions for working at the Academy. The high efficiency of the work of the Academy according to the network-centric model is shown, the possibility of its use in modern market conditions is discussed.

Keywords: B.E. Paton, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, network-centric model of organizing the activities of the Academy, targeted fundamental research, concepts for the development of the Academy

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